Invisible Leash


From the author of the picture book phenomenon The Invisible String comes a moving companion title about coping with grief when a pet dies.»When our pets aren’t with us anymore, an Invisible Leash connects our hearts to each other. Forever.» That’s what Zack’s friend Emily tells him after his dog dies. Zack doesn’t believe it. He only believes in what he can see. But on an enlightening journey through their neighborhood?and through his grief?he comes to feel the comforting tug of the Invisible Leash. And it feels like love.Accompanied by tender, uplifting art by Joanne Lew-Vriethoff, bestselling author Patrice Karst’s gentle story uses the same bonding technique from her classic book The Invisible String to help readers through the experience of the loss of a beloved animal

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  • Editorial:Little Brown Young Readers
  • Año de edición:2021
  • MateriaI Idiomas Para Niños
  • ISBN:9780316524896
  • Páginas:32
  • Encuadernación:RUSTICA