Lost In Space. Return To Yesterday


A thrilling, original novel based on Netflix’s smash hit Lost in Space! This all-new story focuses on 11-year-old Will Robinson and his closest friend and greatest protector–a mysterious Robot with a dangerous past.Thirty years in the future, Earth has become increasingly more uninhabitable, and a group of colonists–including Will, his two teenage sisters, and their parents–travels across the galaxy to establish a new home. But when the ship is attacked, the Robinsons are stranded on an alien planet where they must contend with disastrous technical issues, a hostile environment, and dangerous personalities to get off world and reach their colony.One day, while exploring a remote complex of caves with his Robot, Will discovers a strange portal that allows him to travel back to Earth–to a time before the Robinsons left on their mission. Realizing the portal could be a way for the colonists to escape the planet and finally make their way to their new home, Will and his sisters decide to investigate it, triggering a series of events that not only changes their reality, but threatens the group’s very existence. With the beings who created the portal in pursuit, Will must find a way to right the wrongs of the past and save his family’s future.© 2019 Legendary. All Rights Reserved.


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  • Editorial:Little Brown Young Readers
  • Año de edición:2019
  • Materia Literatura En Otros Idiomas
  • ISBN:9780316425933
  • Páginas:256
  • Encuadernación:RUSTICA