Nuovo Magari: C1/C2 Libro + CD Audio


Nuovo Magari is now split into 2 levels with student book and workbook combined. The text deals with the study of forms, syntax, and style that belong to Italian but are hardly ever dealt with in Italian course books. They offer a new approach to the study of mire elementary materials and develops them in a stimulating way. The course is characterized by a strong cultural approach. The didactic units are divided into four thematic macro-areas (society, Arts, Language, History), through which a rich profile of Italy is outlined in order to illustrate the most significant socio-cultural phenomena, ideas, tendencies, and the most recent trends in life style. Student Book/Workbook/2-Audio CD Set-Advanced Level C1-C2, Softcover.

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  • Editorial ‏ : ‎ Alma (1 enero 2013)
  • Idioma ‏ : ‎ Italiano
  • Autor:Alessandro De Giuli
  • ISBN‏ : ‎ 9788861822856