Strong Baby


Head Peloton Instructor Robin Arzón follows up New York Times bestseller Strong Mama with Strong Baby, tracking the first milestones of a baby’s life, using Robin’s signature mantras as motivation. There’s a new addition to our strong family! Now that Pequeño is born, mom and baby are ready to move together. From tummy time, to sitting up and crawling, to those exciting first steps, baby is growing stronger every day. And mom and dad are right there with her, laughing, dancing, working out, and resting. Because this family is stronger together. Preaching progress over perfection, Robin Arzón uses her popular Peloton mantras to pair with baby’s first physical milestones, encouraging parents and baby to move together.


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  • Editorial:Little Brown Young Readers
  • Año de edición:2023
  • ISBN:9780316493826
  • Páginas:40
  • Encuadernación:PASTA DURA